by Bari Gourley – Golf NB
Women’s Golf Day is on Tuesday June 5th. It is an International day that last year 46 countries, 700 + locations and over 20,000 women participated in! It is a special day that celebrates women and girls playing golf and learning life skills. There are 3 Women’s Day Celebrations happening in NB and other than all of them being in the Saint John area, they all have something else in common…me, Bari Gourley, Technical Director of Golf NB and a PGA of Canada Golf Professional. I will be giving clinics at all 3 of those clubs that day. I will start this great day at the Hampton Golf Club instructing a clinic from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm, then hop in my vehicle and drive to the Westfield Golf & Country Club to conduct a clinic there from 1:30 pm – 3:45 pm and then head to my last stop at The Riverside Country Club and put on my last clinic of the day from 4:00 – 7:00 pm and then stay for their BBQ buffet and social. I am so excited that I will be able to help so many women with their golf games in just one day. Hampton is also having a women’s 9-Hole scramble for members and guests at 5:30 pm with a social after the round. Westfield clinic will also be followed by a social. At Riverside, they will be hosting golf clinics as well as a 9 -hole shotgun scramble (your choice of the event) followed by a BBQ buffet for dinner. Riverside says, “This is open to all ladies, so gather up your girlfriends and family, whether you are an experienced golfer or completely new to the game to participate in this fantastic event!!” The Clinic or Golf (you choose) will be $10 with proceeds going to Junior Golf. The BBQ buffet is $20 and a great way to network with other ladies who want to play the game. Everyone at all 3 golf courses are encouraged to wear red and white as they are the colours of Women’s Golf Day! Make a trip to Saint John and join in the festivities! Call the golf course and register for the event. Click here for the phone numbers and visit to read about Women’s Golf Day! See you on June 5th and I will definitely be wearing red and white!!