Golf Canada

Golf was made for Canadians

Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec CANADIAN JUNIOR BOYS CHAMPIONSHIP Summerlea Golf Course Photo By Bernard Brault, Golf Canada August 6th, 2015

This Sunday, May 28, is Get Out and Golf Day in Canada, in support of the ParticipACTION 150 Playlist, where Canadians are being asked to participate in 150 activities through the year to celebrate our country’s 150th birthday. There will be a number of fun golf activities taking place at facilities across the country. (A list can be found here)

But even if there isn’t an organized event in your area, get out and show support for the game—and the nation!—we love.

As if you need more justification for playing golf, or maybe to persuade some non-golfing friends to join you, here are some reasons to celebrate Get Out and Golf Day this Sunday.

In fact, you can argue that the game reflects many of the values that are distinctly Canadian.

Golf is inclusive. The game does not discriminate by race, colour, religion, gender, age, physical size or ability. Heck, even golf balls are all different colours.

Golf is democratic. We take pride in our democratic model of government. Golf is the most democratic of sports, thanks to the handicap system. In no other sport can players of differing skill levels compete on an equal basis.

Golf is honest. It’s been said that golf doesn’t build character, it reveals it. In most cases, there are no referees or officials present when you play. You break a rule, you call the penalty on yourself. That takes courage and integrity, more Canadian traits.

Golf has rules. In daily life, the rule of law is important to Canadians. Order is something we respect. Similarly, the rules of golf impress upon players the importance of equity, fairness, etiquette, safety, consideration of others and more.

Golf is tough. Canadians aren’t afraid of work. Unless you win the lottery, nothing good happens without effort. It’s the same for golf. If you want to improve, you have to put the time in.

Golf is fun. If you don’t believe me, look at the facts. Our country has the highest per-capita participation rate in golf worldwide. We’re not a nation of masochists, so the only explanation for this phenomenon is that the game must be fun.

Golf is solitary. Whether you’re playing alone or with others, golf offers the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Canadian nature as well as to get away from the pressures we all experience in our daily lives. The benefits of this “mindfulness” have been compared to a form of meditation.

Golf is social. Canadians like to party. From Newfoundland and Labrador to British Columbia, golf clubhouses may reflect regional cuisines, music and other attributes, but they all share one thing—Canadian camaraderie and good humour.

Golf is family. The fabric of family is vital to Canadians and golf strengthens that fabric. It’s not unusual to see three and, sometimes, four generations playing together. It’s called “the game for a lifetime” for a reason.

Just a few off the top of my head. I’ll be playing on Get Out and Golf Day this Sunday. Will you?

Editor’s Note: Get Out and Golf Day is in support of the ParticipACTION 150 Playlist, where Canadians are being asked to participate in 150 activities throughout 2017 to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. Visit for more details about the ParticipACTION 150 Play List. Get Out and Golf Day is proudly supported by golf industry partners including the National Golf Course Owners Association of Canada (NGCOA), PGA of Canada, Canadian Society of Club Managers, Canadian Golf Superintendents Association and Golf Canada in addition to Canada’s 10 provincial golf associations.